Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Lance. . .

I am married to a man I have never had to make "Honey-do" list for. . . he has an uncanny ability to see what needs to be done and just do it. . . If anything, I would guess, he would love to give me "to-do" lists as I would rather be reading or playing than doing housework.

This summer, Lance's major project has been building a garage and working on the drainage around our property. Here he and Levi are digging a drain line - we're hoping the snow melt is better next spring!

For Father's Day, we decided to explore more of Colorado. We knew if we stayed home, Lance would be tempted to work around the house, so he took us to a spot outside of Salida - it was gorgeous!! We hiked about 1 1/2 miles into some beaver ponds and had a wonderful day with our wonderful father/husband. We are so blessed!

On the path, ready to start our hike. . .

The hike was gorgeous, the scenery even better - we had such a great time exploring our beautiful state!

Lance set our camera on auto for the family shot - you can't believe the obstacle course he had to run to get to us - impressive~