I asked him what he was reading and he held up The Republic of Plato and I in all my intellectual wisdom said, "wow". I mean this kid is reading Plato?? I knew there was more to him than meets the eye, but I was impressed. I was also hoping he wouldn't ask me if I had read it. . . About five minutes later, he looked up at me and began to explain what he was reading. I won't even attempt to quote him because he lost me after the second sentence. As he walked out of the library clutching his book, he said, ". . . this is like, um, totally mind-blowing"
My response: "Wow. . ."
So? The suspense is killing me. Have you read it? :) Any idea what made him pick it up?
No, I have not read it. . . He is a brilliant kid who hides behind a tough "cover". He checked the book out, but trust me the part he shared was - mind-blowing! :) I will try it when he returns it.
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