Monday, December 1, 2008

Comfort Food

There are certain days when I must have comfort foods. I start the day dreaming of homemade mac n cheese with crusty french bread or a pot of chicken noodle soup with hot biscuits. For me, it is the same way with books. As the weather grows colder and more evenings are spent at home in front of the fire it has made me evaluate my "comfort" list. Once again, this is a partial list, but here are some of my favs:
  • Mary Stewart - wrote in the 1950's and 60's - I love her books - high vocab, great stories, easy reads. . . comfort. I can't pick just one - love these "gothic" titles . . . Madame, Will you Talk?, Nine Coaches Waiting, My Brother Michael, Airs Above Ground, The Moonspinners.
  • Dick Francis - writes racing (horse) mysteries. Love his vintage stuff (pre-1980). Some of my favorites: Dead Cert, Proof (first Dick Francis I ever read), Whip Hand, Long Shot, Risk.
  • Charlotte Bronte: Jane Eyre - I read this book every year. It is a beautiful story and a great handbook for learning to live in a complaint-free world.
  • Rosamunde Pilcher: Just saying her name, makes me long for the warmth of an Aga with a kettle boiling. I read my first Rosamunde Pilcher in high school and was not impressed. I like neat books with everyone living happily ever after. . . I picked her up again a few years ago and was hooked - nothing grand, just a good solid story - comfort food. Am currently reading The Shell Seekers. Just finished The Blue Bedroom and other short stories - reminded me of warm summer days reading my Grandma's Good Housekeeping and Ladies Home Journal.
  • L.M. Montgomery: Need I say more? Besides the Anne and Emily Series, my favorites of hers are Kilmeny of the Orchard and Blue Castle.
  • Kate Douglas Wiggin: Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm - consider this dessert - like a good chocolate cake or vanilla ice cream. Sweet comfort.
My laundry is threatening to overtake me, my floors need to be swept and my dishes done, yet all I can think of is food and good book. Ahhh! Happy comfort reading!!

1 comment:

Emily said...

My reading list is growing faster than my ability to keep up, thanks to you! I so, so love Jane Eyre & Blue Castle. I want to re-read them every year, but there are so many other titles out there to explore! Agh!