Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Guys Read

I thought I would dedicate this post to some of my favorite readers. . . the guys in my life.  I have been on a quest in the library to better understand what guys read and why.  Last year, I took a class on boys and books, and realized so much of what I was ordering, recommending and urging boys to read came from a female point of view.  

Boys do read, they just don't read what girls read.  I have found that most girls will try anything, boys won't.  Elementary boys like non-fiction with lots of cool graphics and pictures.  Some examples:
  • Cool Stuff 2.0 - a great boy book!  It is almost always checked out of my library
  • Guinness Book of World Records - again, these books never stay on my shelves.  The quickest way to a 5th grade boy's heart is to let him check these books out (yes, for the 100th time) and show you some really gross things.  Brace yourself, it is not easy, but remember - they are reading!!
  • Star Wars: the visual dictionary - yet another book that does not stay on our shelves.  I almost cry when they check this book out again, but I have to remind myself it's not about me, but about boys reading. . . 
  • For Boys Only - by Mark Aronson.  Remember this author, he writes lots of well-researched non-fiction (ie Witch Hunt, Race, War is. . . )  He is a great boy's author.
  • The Dangerous Book for Boys - By Conn Iggulden.  Our son read this book in two days and then wanted a knife so he could skin a rabbit (like the book taught). . .  I suggested maybe he should take a Hunter's Safety Course first.
  • Anything with cars, trucks, fire engines, rescue vehicles (get the picture?)  - action!!!
  • If they are in 1st grade - Dinosaurs, dinosaurs and maybe a few dragons.
Jon Scieszka, author of numerous children's books, has a great website called www.guysread.  I have mined this site for great recommendations and it has never failed.  This is a very partial list and a theme I will continue to explore.  Later, I will address series fiction for reluctant readers, books my husband loves (he is a life-saver for me in the library) and books my son reads.  

Guys are great readers, you just have to find what they like.  Remember, when your son brings home another non-fiction book with lots of pictures, no worries.  He is reading, he's just reading what he likes, not what interests you.  So plop down on the couch, and let him show you all the gross pictures and stories.  I had to read about tarantulas to Levi last week ( he told me later that he knew I skipped some parts)  He was right. . . I hate spiders, but I love my guys.


Emily said...

You can't leave Wimpy Kid off the list! :) You're right, though, it can be so easy to cater to the girls' tastes. My boy-students loved anything with castles & dragons and cutaway pictures. Their favorite read alouds of the year were Holes & Hangman's Curse. I was always so excited when they got excited about reading.

ojchase said...

I was reshelving it so often that I practically remember the call number of that Star Wars book